American Fake Food
The United States of America has always been at the forefront of the "Fake Food" movement. If you start at "Non-Dairy Creamer", move on through "Cheese Whizz", take a detour through "Dairy Whip" (may contain milk products) in spray cans, you can eventually arrive at those orange plastic slices used as cheese on hamburgers. And that's just the milk aisle.
When you get into the "Snacks" department things can get really strange. There are many so called "Snack Foods" out there that are entirely constructed of starch, salt, synthetic sugars and fats and various texturing and flavouring chemicals ... and the starch and the salt can both be manufactured themselves. Ditto many so-called "Soft Drinks". A stroll down the aisle in most supermarkets, which generally has crunchy deep fried starches on one side and carbonated sweet flavoured water on the other can be quite instructive. Reading the ingredient labels can be a horrifying experience when you know what some of the raw materials are.
Well, now a couple of Americans have invented a synthetic coffee. A Food Chemist, Jarret Stopforth, and an Entrepreneur (covers a multitude of sins) Andy Kleitsch have started a company called Atomo. In their own words, they've produced a coffee substitute made from "dozens of compounds found in food", including caffeine.
From the little that I've seen published so far they've run some impromptu taste tests but have had no formal contacts with recognised coffee industry experts. So there is no real indication of how good or bad the taste, aroma etc. actually is. One thing that is implied but not made explicit is that it is a soluble beverage, that is an instant coffee analogue. Tasting better than instant, or even most American drip coffee, is not a high bar to pass over.
Then there is the whole constructed from chemicals thing. "Scientific Studies" have generally gone from claiming that things directly cause cancer to saying "May increase the risk of cancer by x%", making the studies harder to refute and ensuring the provision of funding for more research. However, I'd give odds that at least one of the chemicals involved would already be known to cause cancer in rats.
I'm pretty sure that if it does turn out to be a success there'll be that other American fixture, the lawyer, queuing up to sue someone as soon as possible. It's the American Way!
The best way to get improved coffee flavour is of course to drink better coffee, which is exactly what this month's special is about. It's the most requested repeat special we have.
Costa Rica Tarrazu Miel
The full name is Costa Rica Tarrazu Coopedota R.L. SHB Honey Microlot, and it has the usual magnificent balance of taste and intensity that you expect.
And finally a reminder that we'll be away in August for my late brother-in-law's memorial. When you have 3 brothers, 2 sisters and innumerable spouses, offspring, cousins and other relatives it's a pretty big deal.
We will close down on Friday 9th August and reopen on Monday 26th August. Hopefully this will be the last trip for some time, and at least it won't be spent visiting hospitals. The next newsletter will be in September.
Until then